
Eisenbarths are international

Cologne, April 19nd 2024 The Eisenbarth families are spread all over the world, and as we have repeatedly stated at our meetings, we all want to live in peace and freedom. Unfortunately, this hasn't been the case in recent years with all the wars and conflicts. Many countries seem to be obsessed with the delusion of having to annex or destroy neighboring countries in order to gain even more power.

As a child, I experienced the Second World War and cannot understand why humanity has learned nothing from it and is now spreading hatred and lies again for a reason for war. In order to make these dictators' dreams come true, many people are sacrificed and countries are devastated. Not to mention the environmental damage. Unfortunately, the rage for war continues in the minds of some despots and the reasons given are varied; in order to conceal the real reason, God is even cited.

I still wish everyone a life without war, hatred, forced new nationalities and beliefs, in peace and freedom.

Willi Ei-Köln


Are You an Eisenbarth, too?

Eisenbarth, Isenbarth, Isembarth, with or without „H“

The World Family Association Eisenbarth meets every 2 years at Pentecost somewhere in Europe.

The World-Sippen-Verband has many members who are not called Eisenbarth and have actively supported us for many years.

Our clan association was of "not Eisenbärthen" as Dr. Edel and Dr. Matheu founded by her genealogy. Also, the birthplace of "the" Doctor Eisenbarth, Oberviechtach has always supported our clan meetings with your warm hospitality and many activities. Names like "mayor i.R. Neuber", pharmacist dr. Feussner in 2nd generation, and dr. Schießl have been supporting us for years. Mountain in Austria, Unterkochen, Aalen, Neresheim, Schoenhausen, Schwalbach-Hülsweiler, Lieser, Passau, Hann. Münden and the ensemble of "Doktor-Eisenbarth-Spiele Hann. Münden e. V "and many other cities have welcomed us in a friendly way.

We would like to say a big thank you to all of you from the Sippenverband.


Our next meeting

Unfortunately there are no concrete dates for a next meeting yet. Planning is underway and as soon as something is decided, it will be published here.

Further information

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